******** Guild Wars 2 Huntsman 1-75 ********
282Green Wood Log[s]
112 Copper Ore
60 Rawhide Leather Section[s]
12 Lump[s] of Tin (Purchased from crafting vendor)
68 Tiny Venom Sac[s]
12 Tiny Claw[s]
12 Tiny Scale[s]
12 Tiny Totem[s]
Craft Phase - Refinements:
94 Green Wood Plank[s]: Requires 282 Green Wood Log[s]
56 Bronze Ingot - Requires 112 Copper Ore
12 Green Wood Dowel[s] - 24 Green Wood Plank[s]
10 Rawhide String - 30 Stretched Rawhide Leather Square[s]
Craft Phase - Base Armor Set Pieces:
These are all Automatic Discoveries and are located in the crafting window under CRAFTING COMPONENTS
Long bow
5* Green Longbow Stave[s]
5* Rawhide String[s]
Short bow:
5* Green Short-Bow Stave[s]
5* Rawhide String[s]
5* Bronze Warhorn Mouthpiece[s]
5* Bronze Horn[s]
5* Green Torch Handle[s]
5* Bronze Torch Head[s]
SAVE THESE UNTIL Malign Bronze Plated Inscription[s]!!!
1* Green Rifle Stock[s]
1* Bronze Rifle Barrel[s]
1* Green Pistol Frame[s]
1* Bronze Pistol Barrel[s]
1* Green Rifle Stock[s]
1* Green Harpoon[s]
Craft Phase - Low Insignia:
4* Malign Green Inscription = 1 Green Wood Dowel + 3 Tiny Venom Sac[s]
Craft Phase - Discoveries:
REMEMBER: Do NOT use Rifle or Pistol weapon parts
Now head to the top tab of your crafting screen and start dragging and dropping mats. I start with the Low Inscription for Artificer. Then drag a weapon part and follow with its counterpart.
1 Malign Green Inscription + 1 Green Torch Handle + 1 Bronze Torch Head = 1 Malign Crude Torch
1 Malign Green Inscription + 1 Green Torch Handle + 1 Bronze Torch Head = 1 Malign Crude Torch
Craft Phase - High Insignia:
4* Healing Green Inscription = 1 Green Wood Dowel + 3 Tiny Totem
4* Precise Green Inscription = 1 Green Wood Dowel + 3 Tiny Claw
4* Resilient Green Inscription = 1 Green Wood Dowel + 3 Tiny Scale
Craft Phase - Discoveries:
REMEMBER: Do NOT use Rifle or Pistol weapon parts
Combine High insignia with Each combination of weapons sets.
Craft Phase - Refinements:
7* Bronze Plated Dowel = 2 Green Wood Plank[s] + 3 Bronze Ingot[s]
Craft Phase - Embroided Insignia:
7* Malign Bronze Plated Inscription[s] = 1 Bronze Plated Dowel + 8 Tiny Venom Sac[s]
Craft Phase - Discoveries:
Combine ALL (7) seven weapon sets with the Malign Bronze Plated Inscription[s]
You should now be over 75! Congrats!!!
******** Guild Wars 2 Huntsman 75-150 ********
282 Soft Wood Logs
168 Iron Ore
60 Thin Leather Section[s]
68 Small Venom Sac[s]
12 Small Claw[s]
12 Small Scale[s]
12 Small Totem[s]
Craft Phase - Refinements:
94 Soft Wood Plank[s]: Requires 282 Soft Wood Log[s]
56 Iron Ingot - Requires 168 Iron Ore
12 Soft Wood Dowel[s] - Requires 24 Soft Wood Plank[s]
10 Thin Strings - Requires 30 Cured Thin Leather Square[s]
Craft Phase - Base Armor Set Pieces:
These are all Automatic Discoveries and are located in the crafting window under CRAFTING COMPONENTS
Long bow
5* Soft Longbow Stave[s]
5* Thin String[s]
Short bow:
5* Soft Short-Bow Stave[s]
5* Thin String[s]
5* Iron Warhorn Mouthpiece[s]
5* Iron Horn[s]
5* Soft Torch Handle[s]
5* Iron Torch Head[s]
SAVE THESE UNTIL Ravaging Iron Plated Inscription[s]!!!
1* Soft Rifle Stock[s]
1* Iron Rifl e Barrel[s]
1* Soft Pistol Frame[s]
1* Iron Pistol Barrel[s]
1* Soft Rifle Stock[s]
1* Soft Harpoon[s]
Craft Phase - Low Insignia:
4* Ravaging Soft Inscription = 1 Soft Wood Dowel + 3 Small Venom Sac[s]
Craft Phase - Discoveries:
REMEMBER: Do NOT use Rifle or Pistol weapon parts
Combine Low insignia with Each combination of weapons sets.
Craft Phase - High Insignia:
4* Rejuvenating Soft Inscription = 1 Soft Wood Dowel + 3 Small Totem[s]
4* Honed Soft Inscription = 1 Soft Wood Dowel + 3 Small Fang[s]
4* Hearty Soft Inscription = 1 Soft Wood Dowel + 3 Small Scale[s]
Craft Phase - Discoveries:
REMEMBER: Do NOT use Rifle or Pistol weapon parts
Combine High insignia with Each combination of weapons sets.
Craft Phase - Refinements:
7* Iron Plated Dowel = 2 Soft Wood Plank[s] + 3 Iron Ingot[s]
Craft Phase - Embroided Insignia:
7* Ravaging Iron Plated Inscription[s] = 1 Bronze Plated Dowel + 8 Tiny Venom Sac[s]
Craft Phase - Discoveries:
Combine ALL (7) seven weapon sets with the Ravaging Iron Plated Inscription[s].
You should now be over 150! Congrats!!!
******** Guild Wars 2 Huntsman 150-225 ********
282 Seasoned Wood Logs
112 Iron Ore
60 Coarse Leather Section[s]
56 Lumps of Coal (Purchased from crafting vendor)
60 Venom Sac[s]
12 Claw[s]
12 Scale[s]
12 Totem[s]
Craft Phase - Refinements:
94 Seasoned Wood Plank[s]: Requires 282 Seasoned Wood Log[s]
56 Steel Ingot - Requires 168 Iron Ore
12 Seasoned Wood Dowel[s] - Requires 24 Seasoned Wood Plank[s]
10 Coarse Strings - Requires 30 Cured Coarse Leather Square[s]
Craft Phase - Base Armor Set Pieces:
These are all Automatic Discoveries and are located in the crafting window under CRAFTING COMPONENTS
Long bow
5* Seasoned Longbow Stave[s]
5* Steel String[s]
Short bow:
5* Seasoned Short-Bow Stave[s]
5* Steel String[s]
5* Iron Warhorn Mouthpiece[s]
5* Steel Horn[s]
5* Seasoned Torch Handle[s]
5* Steel Torch Head[s]
SAVE THESE UNTIL Ravaging Steel Plated Inscription[s]!!!
1* Seasoned Rifle Stock[s]
1* Steel Rifl e Barrel[s]
1* Seasoned Pistol Frame[s]
1* Steel Pistol Barrel[s]
1* Seasoned Rifle Stock[s]
1* Seasoned Harpoon[s]
Craft Phase - Low Insignia:
4* Ravaging Seasoned Inscription = 1 Seasoned Wood Dowel + 3 Venom Sac[s]
Craft Phase - Discoveries:
REMEMBER: Do NOT use Rifle or Pistol weapon parts
Combine Low insignia with Each combination of weapons sets.
After you are done you will have a total of 9 weapons
Craft Phase - High Insignia:
4* Rejuvenating Seasoned Inscription = 1 Seasoned Wood Dowel + 3 Totem[s]
4* Honed Seasoned Inscription = 1 Seasoned Wood Dowel + 3 Fang[s]
4* Hearty Seasoned Inscription = 1 Seasoned Wood Dowel + 3 Scale[s]
Craft Phase - Discoveries:
REMEMBER: Do NOT use Rifle or Pistol weapon parts
Combine High insignia with Each combination of weapons sets.
Craft Phase - Refinements:
7* Steel Plated Dowel = 2 Seasoned Wood Plank[s] + 3 Steel Ingot[s]
Craft Phase - Embroided Insignia:
7* Ravaging Steel Plated Inscription[s] = 1 Steel Plated Dowel + 8 Venom Sac[s]
Craft Phase - Discoveries:
Combine ALL (7) seven weapon sets with the Ravaging Iron Plated Inscription[s].
You should now be over 225! Congrats!!!
******** Guild Wars 2 Huntsman 225-300 ********
282 Hard Wood Logs
112 Platinum Ore
60 Rugged Leather Section[s]
56 Lumps of Primordium (Purchased from crafting vendor)
68 Full Venom Sac[s]
12 Sharp Claw[s]
12 Smooth Scale[s]
12 Engraved Totem[s]
Craft Phase - Refinements:
94 Hard Wood Plank[s]: Requires 282 Hard Wood Log[s]
56 Darksteel Ingot - Requires 112 Platinum Ore
12 Hard Wood Dowel[s] - Requires 24 Hard Wood Plank[s]
10 Rugged Strings - Requires 30 Cured Rugged Leather Square[s]
Craft Phase - Base Armor Set Pieces:
These are all Automatic Discoveries and are located in the crafting window under CRAFTING COMPONENTS
Long bow
5* Hard Longbow Stave[s]
5* Rugged String[s]
Short bow:
5* Hard Short-Bow Stave[s]
5* Rugged String[s]
5* Hard Warhorn Mouthpiece[s]
5* Darksteel Horn[s]
5* Hard Torch Handle[s]
5* Darksteel Torch Head[s]
SAVE THESE UNTIL Rampager's Darksteel Plated Inscription[s]!!!
1* Hard Rifle Stock[s]
1* DarkSteel Rifl e Barrel[s]
1* Hard Pistol Frame[s]
1* DarkSteel Pistol Barrel[s]
1* Hard Rifle Stock[s]
1* Hard Rifle Stock[s]
1* Hard Harpoon[s]
Craft Phase - Low Insignia:
4* Knight's Hard Inscription = 1 Hard Wood Dowel + 3 Smooth Scale[s]
Craft Phase - Discoveries:
REMEMBER: Do NOT use Rifle or Pistol weapon parts
Combine Low insignia with Each combination of weapons sets.
Craft Phase - High Insignia:
4* Cleric's Hard Inscription = 1 Hard Wood Dowel + 3 Engraved Totem[s]
4* Explorer's Hard Inscription = 1 Hard Wood Dowel + 3 Sharp Claw[s]
4* Rampager's Hard Inscription = 1 Hard Wood Dowel + 3 Full Venom Sac[s]
Craft Phase - Discoveries:
REMEMBER: Do NOT use Rifle or Pistol weapon parts
Combine High insignia with Each combination of weapons sets.
Craft Phase - Refinements:
7* Darksteel Plated Dowel = 2 Hard Wood Plank[s] + 3 Darksteel Ingot[s]
Craft Phase - Embroided Insignia:
7* Rampager's Darksteel Plated Inscription[s] = 1 Darksteel Plated Dowel + 8 Full Venom Sac[s]
Craft Phase - Discoveries:
Combine ALL (7) seven weapon sets with the Rampager's Darksteel Plated Inscription[s]
You should now be over 300! Congrats!!!
******** Guild Wars 2 Huntsman 300-375 ********
282 Elder Wood Logs
112 Mithril Ore
60 Thick Leather Section[s]
68 Potent Venom Sac[s]
12 Large Claw[s]
12 Large Scale[s]
12 Intricate Totem[s]
Craft Phase - Refinements:
124 Elder Wood Plank[s]: Requires 372 Elder Wood Log[s]
54 Mithril Ingot - Requires 108 Mithril Ore
18 Hard Elder Dowel[s] - Requires 36 Elder Wood Plank[s]
12 Thick Strings - Requires 36 Cured Thick Leather Square[s]
Craft Phase - Base Armor Set Pieces:
These are all Automatic Discoveries and are located in the crafting window under CRAFTING COMPONENTS
Long bow
6* Elder Longbow Stave[s]
6* Thick String[s]
Short bow:
6* Elder Short-Bow Stave[s]
6* Thick String[s]
6* Elder Warhorn Mouthpiece[s]
6* Mithril Horn[s]
6* Elder Torch Handle[s]
6* Mithril Torch Head[s]
SAVE THESE UNTIL Rampager's Mithril Plated Inscription[s]!!!
1* Elder Rifle Stock[s]
1* Mithril Rifl e Barrel[s]
1* Elder Pistol Frame[s]
1* Mithril Pistol Barrel[s]
Craft Phase - Low Insignia:
4* Knight's Hard Inscription = 1 Elder Wood Dowel + 3 Large Scale[s]
Craft Phase - Discoveries:
REMEMBER: Do NOT use Rifle or Pistol weapon parts
Combine Low insignia with Each combination of weapons sets.
Craft Phase - High Insignia:
4* Cleric's Elder Inscription = 1 ElderWood Dowel + 3 Intricate Totem[s]
4* Explorer's Elder Inscription = 1 Elder Wood Dowel + 3 Large Claw[s]
4* Rampager's Elder Inscription = 1 Elder Wood Dowel + 3 Potent Venom Sac[s]
Craft Phase - Discoveries:
REMEMBER: Do NOT use Rifle or Pistol weapon parts
Combine High Insignia with Each combination of weapons sets.
Craft Phase - Refinements:
6* Mithirl Plated Dowel = 2 Elder Wood Plank[s] + 3 Mithril Ingot[s]
Craft Phase - Embroided Insignia:
6* Rampager's Mithril Plated Inscription[s] = 1 Mithril Plated Dowel + 8 Potent Venom Sac[s]
Craft Phase - Discoveries:
Combine ALL (7) seven weapon sets with the Rampager's Mithril Plated Inscription[s]
You should now be over 375! Congrats!!!
*******THE HOME STRETCH*******
Ok you will need to buy 2-4 recipes from the Crafting Vendor that are level 375. These recipes cost 672 karma.
Shopping List:
1 Recipe: Carrion Mithril Imbued Inscription
1 Recipe: Explorer's Mithril Imbued Inscription
40 Mithril Ore[s]
48 Elder Log[s]
30 Large Bone[s]
30 Large Claw[s]
Craft Phase Refinement:
4* Mithril Plated Dowel
Craft Phase Base Weapon Parts:
2* Elder Warhorn Mouthpiece[s]
2* Mithril Horn[s]
2* Elder Torch Handle[s]
2* Mithril Torch Head[s]
Combine Phase - Discoveries:
Combine the Warhorns and Torches with The Mithril Imbued Inscriptions and TADA!
You should be level 400 Huntsman and ready to make your first lvl 400 Items!!!