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Armas Lendárias


Como obter os Receitas Legendary:
Comprar as receitas para os "Gifts" e do "trophy" de Miyani, eles custam 10 de ouro cada. Vai custar 20 de ouro para obter receitas de ambos os presentes.
Onde encontro Miyani?
Miyani é encontrada ao lado da Mystic Forge em Lions Arch
Legendary Recipes
Axe - Frostfang - Gift of Ice + Gift of Metal + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Dagger - Incinerator - Vial of Liquid Flame + Gift of Metal + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Greatsword - Sunrise - Gift of Light + Gift of Metal + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Greatsword - Twilight - Gift of Darkness + Gift of Metal + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Hammer - Juggernaught - Vial of Quicksilver + Gift of Metal + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Mace - Moot - Gift of Entertainment + Gift of Metal + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Shield - Flame Seeker Prophices - Gift of History + Gift of Metal + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Sword - Bolt - Gift of Lightning + Gift of Metal + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Spear -Maw of the Deep - Shark Statue + Gift of Metal + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Longbow - Kudzu - Gift of Nature + Gift of Wood + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Shortbow - Dreamer - Unicorn Statue + Gift of Wood + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Rifle - Predator - Gift of Stealth + Gift of Wood + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Pistol - Quip - Gift of Entertainment + Gift of Wood + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Torch - Dragon Maw - ????? + Gift of Wood + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Warhorn - Howler - Wolf Statue + Gift of Wood + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Speargun - Frenzy - Gift of Water + Gift of Wood + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Focus - Minstrel - Gift of Music + Gift of Energy + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Scepter - Meteorlogicus - Gift of Weather + Gift of Energy + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Staff - Bitfrost - Gift of Color + Gift of Energy + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Trident - Kraitkin - Eel Statue + Gift of Energy + Bloodstone Shard + Exotic Weapon
Primary Gifts:

Gift of Ice
250X Orichalcum Ore
5X Glacial Lonestone
5X Corrupted Lodestone
250X Symbol of Koda

Vial of Liquid Flame
5X Molten Lodestone
5X Destroyer Lodestone
250X Flame Legion Charr Carving
250X Ghost Pepper

Gift of Light
250X Orichalcum Ore
250X Hardened Leather Section
250X Sunstone Lump
250X Ascalonian Tear

Gift of Darkness
250X Darksteel Ingot
250X Orichalcum Ore
250X Hardened Leather Section
250X Ascalonian Tear

Vial of Qucksilver
250X Darksteel Ingot
250X Silver Ingot
250X Silver Doubloon
250X Manifesto of the Moletariate

Gift of Entertainment
250X Orichalcum Ore
250X Gossamer Scrap
250X Seal of Beetletun
5X Evon Gnashblade's Box o' Fun

Gift of History
250X Hardened Leather Section
250X Pile of Crystalline Dust
5X Onyx Lodestone
250X Ascalonian Tear

Gift of Lightning
250X Orichalcum Ore
250X Gossamer Scrap
5X Charged Lodestone
250X Ascalonian Tear

Shark Statue
250X Orichalcum Ore
250X Hardened Leather Section
250X Vial of Powerful Blood
250X Shard of Zhaitan

Gift of Nature
250X Ancient Wood Log
250X Hardened Leather Section
250X Deadly Bloom
250X Nominberry

Unicorn Statue
250X Orichalcum Ore
50X Chrysocola Orb
50X Opal Orb
250X Deadly Bloom

Gift of Stealth
250X Darksteel Ingot
250X Orichalcum Ore
250X Knowledge Crystal
250X Orrian Truffle

Wolf Statue
250X Orichalcum Ore
250X Hardened Leather Section
250X Vicious Fang
250X Deadly Bloom

Gift of Water
5X Molten Lodestone
5X Glacial Lonestone
5X Corrupted Lodestone
250X Symbol of Koda

Gift of Music
250X Orichalcum Ore
250X Gossamer Scrap
250X Silk Scrap
250X Seal of Beetletun

Gift of Weather
250X Orichalcum Ore
250X Hardened Leather Section
5X Charged Lodestone
250X Knowledge Crystal

Gift of Color
250X Pile of Crystalline Dust
50X Opal Orb
250X Ascalonian Tear
250X Unidentified Dye

Eel Statue
250X Hardened Leather Section
250X Armored Scale
250X Vial of Powerful Blood
250X Manifesto of the Moletariate


Gift of Metal
250X Mithril Ore
250X Orichalcum Ore
250X Platinum Ore
100X Lump of Primordium

Gift of Wood
250X Elder Wood Log
250X Hard Wood Log
250X Ancient Wood Log
250X Seasoned Wood Log

Gift of Energy
250X Linen Scrap
250X Gossamer Scrap
250X Silk Scrap
250X Pile of Crystalline Dusts


Items Nas Dungeons:

Ascalonian Tear - Ascalonian Catacombs
Seal of Beetletun - Caudecus's Manor
Deadly Bloom -Twilight Arbor
Manifesto of the Moletariate - Sorrow's Embrace
Flame Legion Charr Carving - Citadel of Flame
Knowledge Crystal - Crucible of Eternity
Symbol of Koda - Honor of the Waves
Shard of Zhaitan - Arah


Gift of Ice - Artificer 400
Vial of Liquid Flame - Cooking 400
Gift of Light - Armorsmith 400
Gift of Darkness - Armorsmith 400
Vial of Qucksilver - Jeweler 400
Gift of Entertainment - Tailor 400
Gift of History - Armorsmith 400
Gift of Lightning - Artificer 400
Shark Statue - Leatherworking 400
Gift of Nature - Huntsman 400
Unicorn Statue - Jeweler 400
Gift of Stealth - Tailor 400
Wolf Statue - Leatherworking 400
Gift of Water - Cooking 400
Gift of Music - Jeweler 400
Gift of Weather - Armorsmith 400
Gift of Color - Cooking 400
Eel Statue - Huntsman 400
Gift of Metal - Weaponsmith 400
Gift of Wood - Huntsman 400
Gift of Energy - Artificer 400

What exotic weapon do I need for the Legendary?

"Tooth of Frostfang of Rage" This weapon is used to craft the legendary axe Frostfang
"Spark of Rage" "This weapon is used to craft the legendary dagger Incinerator
"The Bard of Rage" This weapon is used to craft the legendary focus The Minstrel
"Dawn of Rage" This weapon is used to craft the legendary greatsword Sunrise
"The Colossus of Rage" This weapon is used to craft the legendary hammer The Juggernaut
"Maw of Rage" This weapon is used to craft the legendary spear Maw of the Deep
"Leaf of Kudzu of Rage" This weapon is used to craft the legendary longbow Kudzu
"The Energizer of Rage" This weapon is used to craft the legendary mace The Moot
"Chaos Gun of Rage" This weapon is used to craft the legendary pistol Quip
"The Hunter of Rage" This weapon is used to craft the legendary rifle The Predator
"Storm of Rage" This weapon is used to craft the legendary scepter Meteorlogicus
"The Seeker of Rage" This weapon is used to craft the legendary shield The Flameseeker Prophices
"The Lover of Rage" This weapon is used to craft the legendary shortbow The Dreamer
"Rage of Rage" This weapon is used to craft the legendary speargun Frenzy
"The Legend of Rage" This weapon is used to craft the legendary staff The Bitfrost
"Zap of Rage" This weapon is used to craft the legendary sword Bolt
"Dragons Claw of Rage" This weapon is used to craft the legendary torch Dragons Maw
"Venom of Rage" This weapon is used to craft the legendary trident Kraitkin
"Howl of Rage" This weapon is used to craft the legendary warhorn Howler
"Dusk of Rage" This weapon is used to craft the legendary greatsword Twilight